One of the adorable moments during our trip...
We were making Classic TungTing Oolong.........
when the Instructor, Steve Huang, said "smell the tea leaf....."....
all members leaned over, put heads down at the same time...so cute.............
Thomas Shu This is a great shot...that will be in good memory of many.
Yvonne Wang Great!!!!!
詹純甄 it looks cute!!! heee...
Jerry Liu I wish you could send that smell via the internet!
Elise Scott Like kittens staring at a mouse
Thomas Shu
Jerry, didn't you smell it? Those Camellia sinensis leaves after solar withering, were moved indoor for the additional indoor withering...every 1 hour or half subject to the weather condition...these soft touches made our tea so good in aro...ma and taste...See More
Flockof TeaCosy Mmmmmm. I look forward to one day having the same experience. I'm sure the aroma was illuminating.
Judith Krall-Russo It was a great moment!!! The aroma was even better!
Josephine Pan It was, Judith....I miss every one of you, all my children!!!!
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